Friday, June 17, 2011


Bumped onto this video thru a friend of mine who shared it via facebook. Man i tell you, this is hilarious! It's actually snippets from various Stephen Chow's movie and dubbed over.

What a way to start your day with a good laugh right?

Come to think of it... it somehow does reflect on the truth... haha!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Screw Internet Explorer!

Screw IE!!
Screw Microsoft!!
All this while i've never tried IE to do my blogging neither surf the internet with it too.

While i was giving it a chance to prove to me that it's good, it failed me straight away!
Just when i was about to click "Publish Post" for my previous entry, it HANGED!!!!
&$*%$^ IE!!

Thank God that has auto-save function. Probably because IE always hangs... that's the reason why they implemented it.

Kiss my ass IE! I will NEVER use you again!