Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Late Night Alumi - Finally Found (Reprise)

Oh dang!
This is definitely one of the tightest song for the month!

I only came across this group last night while i was fiddling thru myspaces on my handphone before i slept.
Fiddle... ...
Fiddle... ... ...
I came across LATE NITE ALUMNI!

The first song i listened to was "You Can Be The One"...
After listening to it... honestly... i was addicted.
I wanted more...
I'm so hooked...
I'm so captivated...
By the sound...
The voice...
The rhythm...
Everything is so well mastered and refined...

There's no other words to describe them more.
Trust me... you've gotta hear them out first.

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and go find them at:
1) Their official website -

2) Their myspace -

3) Lastly, like the music? Then go support them by buying their songs.
Where? Easy! Get them from iTune!

I'm getting mine as i'm blogging. Reviews coming soon!